I had seen her in our services recently but knew nothing of her until now. She sat for a moment with head down, sipping the coffee my receptions had provided. Then she looked up and informed me that she was a liberal political activist and worked for the Democratic Party. However, over time she had tired of the rhetoric and become disillusioned as she moved up the ranks, closer to power. That was when she began attending our church.
One Sunday night, when an invitation was given to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, she came forward. From that moment on her life would never be the same.
She told me she was being ripped apart inside. “Tell me more,” I said. She continued by explaining that nearly everything she believed in and had been fighting for was now in question. The right to choose, same sex marriage and the redistribution of wealth are just a few examples. No one had ever been able to dissuade her from her views. But miraculously, as she lay in bed with her new-found faith, reading her dusty bible, truth emerged. What no human being could do, the Holy Spirit was doing in a matter of days.
“Abortion is wrong, isn’t it? Homosexuality is wrong, isn’t it? Sex out of marriage is wrong, isn’t it?” And the questions continued.
She knew she would have to abandon most of what she thought was truth. It would mean her career was finished. Or at the very least, she would have to play for a different team and I’m not speaking politically. Her salvation was a gift from
God, but clearly, this intelligent woman understood that following Jesus would come with a cost.
She helped me see again why it is much easier to receive Jesus when you are young; before so much time and energy has been waisted heading in the wrong direction. It helps explain why many people, after hearing the truth, continue to cling so desperately to their way of life. They’re grappling with the cost.
I know that the Holy Spirit and the Word of God have the power to change lives, I’ve seen it many times. But this was the most dramatic example I have ever witnessed.
So, I want to encourage you, if you are worried about family, loved ones and friends, just trust in the Holy Spirit. He has the power to change any life if the door to their heart is opened just a crack. And if they won’t open the door, ask the Holy Spirit to do that too.
Paul said God uses the foolishness of the message preached to share the truth of the gospel, the good news, (1 Cor. 1:20-25). But it’s the Holy Spirit that changes lives and hearts, not us. It would serve us well to remember that. It sure takes the pressure off.
From the Pastors Desk
Good Word Jim. It helped me today!
I am a PK and my dad was a Southern Baptist Pastor. Through many conflicted messages,I became rebellious. Into the U.S. Army to an elite unit. I soon forgot God. Ending up in prison, I met my Savior. When I thought I was unlovable and deplorable, He reached out and changed me.
The chorus of a song he gave me;
At the cross I gave my life,
At the cross I came to die,
At the cross I was sacrificed,
At the cross I met my Christ.
Oh How He loves me,
The love with which He loves me,
The death of how He loved me,
Oh How he loves me.
His timing and plans are so wonderful.