Follow the Adventures

Follow the adventures of five sixth grade friends and a mutt called Bandit. They live in the small town of Buena Vista, tucked away in the rugged mountains of Colorado. 

And their club house, well, let’s just say that the tree house in Ben’s back yard lost it’s appeal. They have laid claim to a hangar built in the 1930s, the ghostly home of a forgotten old airplane.

According to Grandpa Jimmy, the owner of the hangar, if that remarkable plane could talk, it would tell a thousand stories of adventures and intrigue. He often says, with a smile and a wink, “The Shirley Ann is magical.”

The plane’s battered aluminum skin has long since lost its shine and one engine is missing. Obviously, it can’t be flown. Yet, when the gang steps inside and closes the door, it magically transports them into a world filled with adventures. One that only they believe exists.

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Get to Know Ben

A natural leader and protector. Hungry for adventure. Loves hunting, fishing, hiking and exploring. Thinks he’s bullet proof and considers a scar a badge of honor. Ready, fire, aim mentality. Won’t say it, but thinks of Tali as his best friend. Would like to be a Forest Ranger.

Meet Kate

Talks a lot, sounds like a mom sometimes. A smart, get it done, overachiever. Competitive, not intimidated by boys or afraid to get her hands dirty. Loves animals but hates spiders. Never leaves home without a matching outfit and jewelry. Wants to be a nurse.

All About Tali

A voice of reason and a peacemaker. Likes doing things for others but doesn’t like being in charge. Unaware she’s beautiful. Indian and Hispanic heritage. Difficult home life. Avoids confrontation. Very creative and wants to be an artist. Really likes Ben.

Who is Willy?

Techie, straight “A” student. Easy to get along with. Stubbornly sticks to what he believes, a no compromise perfectionist. Few friends but will faithfully defend those few against any and all who would belittle or bully. Always attempts to do the right thing. Wants to be a US Air Force drone pilot.

Learn about Jold (and Bandit)?

Jold is a daydreamer who has turned exaggeration and embellishment into an art form. Can talk anyone into anything. Makes the simplest jobs seem like a monumental effort. Fiercely loyal to his friends. Can’t seem to live up to his parents’ expectations. Is never without a Baby Ruth. Wants to be Governor of Colorado.

Oh, and Bandit? He was a rescue mutt. No one is sure of his breed. Club mascot and watchdog. Doesn’t believe in personal space, if he’s near you he’s in your lap. Seems to like pulling the long board with Jold aboard.


Episode: 27 “Tali’s Miracle”

Episode: 27 “Tali’s Miracle”

“Tali's Miracle” Ben straddled the bannister and slid down headfirst. He gripped the rail with both hands to control his speed and then flung one leg over at just the right moment to avoid plowing headlong into the post at the bottom. With the agility of a cat, while...

Episode: 26, “All is Not Lost”

Episode: 26, “All is Not Lost”

“All is Not Lost” Jold and Willy turned to look; they too could see the sun reflecting off something shiny. “Let’s run for it before the sun completely disappears,” said Willy. “Yeah, run for it!” said Ben. The two of them, along with Bandit, sprinted off. Ben hung...

Episode: 25, “Raging Waters”

Episode: 25, “Raging Waters”

“Raging Water”   For Tali, the imagined stories of the missing loot just made her sad. Her hopes of helping her mom save their home were dying. “I’ll be glad when we get back, my mom needs me now,” she said. “Are you going to have to move?” asked Jold. “Probably,...

Episode: 24, “The Foolish Enter – None Return”

Episode: 24, “The Foolish Enter – None Return”

“The Foolish Enter…None Return” A full moon and flickering fire made reading the map feel even more like a long-kept secret was about to be revealed. They studied it while whispering their thoughts as if someone were listening through the wall in another room. Not a...

Episode: 23 “EEK! It’s a Rattler!”

Episode: 23 “EEK! It’s a Rattler!”

“Eeek! It's a Rattler!” Within minutes they were airborne. Bandit settled down in one of the captain’s chairs, Ben and Willy took their seats in the cockpit with Jold scrunched down on his knees between them, while Kate and Tali sat next to each other on the sofa in...

Episode: 22 “A For Real Treasure”

Episode: 22 “A For Real Treasure”

“A For Real Treasure” Ben called Kate, Willy and Jold to let them know what was up with Tali and that Grandpa Jimmy had a plan. It would be an adventure and it might help Tali and her mom keep their home. No doubt, the inseparable gang would rally behind Tali. Nothing...

Episode: 21 “How’s That Possible?”

Episode: 21 “How’s That Possible?”

“How's That Possible?” The gang climbed aboard the Shirley Ann and locked the door.  The windows fogged over, and the engines started. They felt her throttle up, swing around, then stop. The motors shut down and the fog evaporated. Peering through the windows, it was...

Episode: 20 “This is Just Weird”

Episode: 20 “This is Just Weird”

“This is Just Weird”   “Are you related to Grandpa Jimmy, ‘cause you kind of look like him, only a lot younger.” said Ben.  “Nope, not related, I am Grandpa Jimmy.” “That’s impossible!” said Kate. As if to confirm Grandpa Jimmy’s identity, Bandit trotted over,...

Episode: 19 “Back to the Shirley Ann”

Episode: 19 “Back to the Shirley Ann”

“Back to the Shirley Ann”   Early the next morning there was a knock. The elder, Tukkuttok, opened the door, it was Cheryl. He motioned her in. She looked at the boys, “Mark's going be OK, he will have to be in the hospital for a few weeks, but he’ll be fine.”...

Episode 18 – We Can Make It

Episode 18 – We Can Make It

“We Can Make It” Ben looked at the broken runner. “I’ve got an idea.” He unzipped his backpack and pulled out a tightly wound ten-foot nylon cord that was rated for 250 pounds. He tied one end to the side rail behind the broken stanchion. Then he made a loop on the...

Episode: 17 “Danger at the Cabin”

Episode: 17 “Danger at the Cabin”

“Danger at the Cabin”   “We won’t let the wolves get you April, I promise,” said Kate. “That’s right,” said Tali. “It’ll be okay, Bandit will let us know if something is wrong. What do ya say we keep reading, the story’s just getting interesting.” April nodded...

Episode: 16 “No Time to Lose”

Episode: 16 “No Time to Lose”

"No Time to Lose" The short dog sled ride the gang had taken, from the Shirley Ann to the cabin, was exciting but not even close to what they were about to experience. The dogs must have sensed that the gang was inexperienced and hardly ready for the full power of a...

Episode: 15 “Answer to Prayer”

Episode: 15 “Answer to Prayer”

“Answer to Prayer” “It’s okay,” said Cheryl. “That’s my husband, Mike.” She rushed to his side and pulled the blankets back revealing the unshaven weathered face of a very sick man. She sat on the edge of the bed next to him, then reached for a worn towel draped over...

Episode: 14 “Wild Country”

Episode: 14 “Wild Country”

“Wild Country”   The gang sat motionless. Then they heard it too, a kind of low growl that a predatory animal makes when it exhales. A moment later, another growl, but it was coming from a different direction. Ben jumped across the aisle to the other side of the...

Episode: 13 “What a Ride!”

Episode: 13 “What a Ride!”

“What a Ride” Tali sat back down. Ben closed the cabin door. When he pushed the handle down to the lock position, the windows immediately fogged over. He tried the door, it wouldn’t open. Willy made a dash for the cockpit and hopped in the left seat. Ben was right...

Episode: 12 “That’s the Secret”

Episode: 12 “That’s the Secret”

“That's the Secret”   Lunch hour this Monday was different. They  sat at their usual table in the cafeteria, but no one was talking. They just grinned at each other. You know, the kind of grin someone gets when they think they got away with something. Kate held...

Episode: 11 “Home at Last”

Episode: 11 “Home at Last”

“Home at Last”   Tali held her breath while Kate opened the cabin door. Then she breathed a sigh of relief, “we’re home.” The gang climbed out and glanced around. Hangar 1 looked just the way it had before the Shirley Ann kidnapped them two days earlier. And she...

Episode: 10 “Hope Comes in the Morning”

Episode: 10 “Hope Comes in the Morning”

“Hope Comes in the Morning” For Kate, morning wake-up usually came with a knock on the door and, “it’s time to get ready for school,” from her mom.  Saturdays and Sundays were the exception. This morning would be a little different. Much too early, she was disturbed...

Episode: 9 “Friend or Foe”

Episode: 9 “Friend or Foe”

Friend or Foe The guys stood motionless, listening. It was still too dark to see more than shadows in the early morning light. Then, the crunching sound of something moving through the jungle broke the silence.  Whatever was making that noise was coming their way, in...

Episode: 8 “A Strange Land”

Episode: 8 “A Strange Land”

“A Strange Land” Ben scrambled to the back of the cabin. He braced himself. One hand pushing against the ceiling and the other gripping the back of the seat. He was set to kick the door open, when to his surprise, he noticed the handle was now in the open position. He...

Ask One of the Gang a Question

12 + 3 =