Friend or Foe The guys stood motionless, listening. It was still too dark to see more than shadows in the early morning light. Then, the crunching sound of something moving through the jungle broke the silence. Whatever was making that noise was coming their way, in...
“A Strange Land” Ben scrambled to the back of the cabin. He braced himself. One hand pushing against the ceiling and the other gripping the back of the seat. He was set to kick the door open, when to his surprise, he noticed the handle was now in the open position. He...
“First Club Meeting” The following Saturday at 9:00 am sharp, the gang met at their new clubhouse, Hangar 1. Grandpa Jimmy had the doors open and was standing next to the Shirley Ann holding a steaming cup of coffee. “You can park your bikes over there,” said Jimmy....
“Convincing the Parents” On the ride home, they talked about what their parents might say. Ben was sure his dad wouldn’t mind. “My dad met Grandpa Jimmy last Saturday. Yeah, yeah, I know, the night half the town was searching for me, including the sheriff. He...
“Cool Place for a Club House” Mr. D. called the gang together and assigned each of them an area of the store. “Take your time,” he said. “Look under, around and behind everything.” They all headed to their assignments except Jold. Bandit had gone missing. “Bandit,...
“Lost or Stolen” Tali stepped off her bike and pushed the kickstand down with the toe of her tennis shoe. She had worked hard babysitting and cleaning houses to pay for that bike and didn’t like dropping it to the ground. It was a girl’s version of Ben’s bike with the...
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