Beautiful Moment at RIO Olympics
Beautiful Moment at RIO Olympics Abbey D’Agostino Cooper In the summer of 2016, Abbey D’Agostino stood poised at the starting line among a group of the fastest women in the world listening for the bang of the starter’s pistol. It was a miracle that she had even...
Decisions Determine Destiny
Decisions Determine Destiny …but not only yours. Ask your kids. We have all heard it said, “decisions determine destiny” and it’s true. Our future has everything to do with the decisions we make today. However, they are never made in a vacuum. They often do...
Beauty for Ashes
Beauty for Ashes A longing to be loved, an unexpected pregnancy, a rushed marriage, a divorce, feelings of worthlessness and a heaping helping of guilt and shame: not exactly the best recipe for a happy and hopeful future. Unfortunately, Laura’s story is not unique....
“You’ve Got a Story” with Stephen Bransford
You’ve Got a Story – with Stephen Bransford Did you know that before Moses penned the first five books of the Bible, called the Pentateuch, history was passed from one generation to the next through story telling. There has never been a better way to...
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