We talk with people from many walks of life who have one thing in common, a story, but not just any story. One that reveals the love and grace of God working through their life and told without the filters of pride or pretense.
Some stories will entertain, others will encourage and inspire. But whether you’re laughing or brushing away tears, they will touch your heart. May these stories be a source of faith, hope and love.
Gilligan’s Dreams by Dreama Denver
Gilligan's Dreams Dreama Denver Dreama is best known as the wife of Bob Denver, you know, Gilligan, the loveable character from the series, “Gilligan’s Island.” She is an actress in her own right on stage and screen, an author, and the owner of a radio station with a...
So Mad at God
So Mad at God with Jeff Bardel At 18 years of age, high school graduate, Jeff Bardel, was working in a glass factory to earn money for college. He was excited and looking forward to a lifelong dream of playing college level baseball. But that was not to be....
Fear & Anger or Peace & Joy – Tony Cooke
Fear & Anger or Peace & Joy Tony Cooke Two emotions, fear and anger, have been running rampant across our nation. For some, fear has turned to panic, and anger has turned to rage. For others it has led to disappointment, depression, and a sense of...
Year End Money Matters with Scott Kays
Year End Money Matters with Scott Kays I’ve asked a trusted and experienced financial advisor to join me on the Family Stories podcast for a year end update. I think his perspective will go a long way in alleviating fear of the future. Scott Kays, a registered...
Randy Bird, “A Most Unusual Cowboy”
A Most Unusual Cowboy Randy Bird There’s a cowboy living in Celeste, Texas, with a very unusual story. He works a ranch from the back of a horse and often demonstrates the skills of a cutting horse and rider in competitions. He’s usually found in his barn creating...
Doreen Stumpf “Stripped of Shame”
Stripped of Shame - Doreen Stumpf Stripped of Shame is a front row seat into the life and mind of an addict and the crippling effects of drugs, alcohol, and childhood trauma. The heartfelt need for love and acceptance in the human psyche must be met in the life of...
Jim VanSteenhouse – The Bear Man
Jim VanSteenhouse - The Bear Man In September 2015, Jim was doing what he loved. It was the way he recharged his batteries. For him, bagging a trophy bull moose was never the real goal. It was the challenge of the hunt that mattered; pitting his wits and knowledge...
Beautiful Moment at RIO Olympics
Beautiful Moment at RIO Olympics Abbey D’Agostino Cooper In the summer of 2016, Abbey D’Agostino stood poised at the starting line among a group of the fastest women in the world listening for the bang of the starter’s pistol. It was a miracle that she had even...
Decisions Determine Destiny
Decisions Determine Destiny ...but not only yours. Ask your kids. We have all heard it said, “decisions determine destiny” and it’s true. Our future has everything to do with the decisions we make today. However, they are never made in a vacuum. They often do more...
Beauty for Ashes
Beauty for Ashes A longing to be loved, an unexpected pregnancy, a rushed marriage, a divorce, feelings of worthlessness and a heaping helping of guilt and shame: not exactly the best recipe for a happy and hopeful future. Unfortunately, Laura’s story is not unique....
“You’ve Got a Story” with Stephen Bransford
You've Got a Story - with Stephen Bransford Did you know that before Moses penned the first five books of the Bible, called the Pentateuch, history was passed from one generation to the next through story telling. There has never been a better way to communicate...
Margaret Kerry – The Real Tinker Bell
For most of us, the name Margaret Kerry would not ring a bell. But if we heard “Tinker Bell,” we would immediately recall the image of the Pixie Dust Fairy in the Disney movie Peter Pan. Did you know that the real “Tinker Bell” is alive and well? She’s an energetic...
Four Time Olympian Dr. Madeline Manning Mims
Imagine, you run the 800-meter race for the US team. You are, without question, the fastest woman in the Western Hemisphere and Olympic bound. It’s 1967, you’re competing in a European/USA competition, a preview of the upcoming 1968 Olympic games. From around the...
Hall of Fame Jockey Pat Day
Soft hands and a strong faith, that is how one of his competitors described him. Pat Day has won over 8,000 thoroughbred races including the Belmont Stakes 3 times, the Preakness 5 times and the Kentucky Derby. With those wins came the induction into the National...
WNBA Chaplain Fleceia Comeaux
WNBA Chaplain Fleceia Comeaux Fleceia blew out her knee as a junior in high school. Then she was told that here dreams of a scholarship were over; no college would take a risk on her now. But God had other plans; in spite of that devastating diagnosis, Fleceia...
Secretariat – With Otto Thorwarth
Secretariat With Otto Thorwarth Have you ever noticed that God seldom shows us the end from the beginning? I believe He wants us to trust and allow Him to lead one step at a time. Some call that a walk of faith. I have heard much said about the importance of having a...
The Hurricane – Brian Jackson
The Hurricane - Brian Jackson Some say he’s superhuman, some call him the “Hurricane,” others say he is full of hot air. But the one most people remember him by; the “I Believe Guy.” And I believe is what his story is all about. Brian Jackson holds 12 Guinness Book...
A Vision and a 3D Printer
A Vision and a 3D Printer We have all seen children with missing or deformed limbs. Perhaps they were born that way, or perhaps it came as the result of an accident. But’s it’s obvious that they have difficulty doing many of the things that most kids take for...
Scott Mendes – World Champion Bull Rider
I’m not sure if it’s the insane danger, the bone crushing crashes or the challenge of watching a 180-pound man pit his grip strength and balance against the power of a 2000-pound angry animal. Whatever the reason, millions of people find it impossible to look away...
It Defies Logic
It Defies Logic Like many, Brad Herman’s early life was not ideal. From the age of three, after his parents divorced, he was raised in a single parent home by his mom. He would see his dad every other weekend. But that usually meant spending time at the office while...
Teach the Little Children
Teach the Little Children ...and the seed will bear fruit. In 1992, Darey and Karen Jolley made a life changing decision. It meant pursuing a vision that would require all they had, all their time, all their energy, and the abandonment of financial security. Few...
Drug Lord to Evangelist
Extraordinary-Compelling-Miraculous “You’ll never be good enough, you’re a loser and always will be.” Those words, spoken by an angry alcoholic father, echoed through Johan’s mind every day of his young life. Feelings of rejection and worthlessness drove him to prove...
Financial Wisdom & COVID-19
In addition to the loss of life, the Coronavirus has forced the shutdown of many businesses. This has obviously created great uncertainty in the marketplace. And where there’s uncertainty there is also fear. Fear, at its best, distorts and at its worst destroys good...
One Drop of Hope
In April of 2019, “the big one,” that’s what the doctors called it, nearly ended life on earth for David Hinton. The fact that he survived is miracle enough, but there’s more, much more to this story. When pandemics, economic problems, health concerns, or...
Surviving the Loss of Your Child
In March of 2008, after touching down from a long flight, this mom and dad received a sobering phone call from their daughter. She informed them that her brother, their son and youngest child was in the hospital. In the days following, they learned the seriousness of...
Helping Hands Change Lives
“I’m not Mormon, not Catholic and as far as I know my wife and I are not crazy.” That’s how my guest on the latest Family Stories podcast answered my first question. Somehow, in the midst of raising a wonderful family of eleven children (no that’s not a...
The Fall Should Have Killed Him
In June of 2016 a 65-year-old man crashed into rocks and boulders as he tumbled 600 feet down the avalanche chute of a steep mountain. It should have killed him. His climbing partner thought it did. Climbing “fourteeners” (mountains above 14,000...
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Recent Podcasts
Gilligan’s Dreams by Dreama Denver
Gilligan's Dreams Dreama Denver Dreama is best known as the wife of Bob Denver, you know,...
So Mad at God
So Mad at God with Jeff Bardel At 18 years of age, high school graduate, Jeff Bardel, was working...
Fear & Anger or Peace & Joy – Tony Cooke
Fear & Anger or Peace & Joy Tony Cooke Two emotions, fear and anger, have been running...
Year End Money Matters with Scott Kays
Year End Money Matters with Scott Kays I’ve asked a trusted and experienced financial advisor to...
Randy Bird, “A Most Unusual Cowboy”
A Most Unusual Cowboy Randy Bird There’s a cowboy living in Celeste, Texas, with a very unusual...
Doreen Stumpf “Stripped of Shame”
Stripped of Shame - Doreen Stumpf Stripped of Shame is a front row seat into the life and mind of...
Jim VanSteenhouse – The Bear Man
Jim VanSteenhouse - The Bear Man In September 2015, Jim was doing what he loved. It was the way he...
Beautiful Moment at RIO Olympics
Beautiful Moment at RIO Olympics Abbey D’Agostino Cooper In the summer of 2016, Abbey D’Agostino...
Decisions Determine Destiny
Decisions Determine Destiny ...but not only yours. Ask your kids. We have all heard it said,...
Beauty for Ashes
Beauty for Ashes A longing to be loved, an unexpected pregnancy, a rushed marriage, a divorce,...
“You’ve Got a Story” with Stephen Bransford
You've Got a Story - with Stephen Bransford Did you know that before Moses penned the first five...
Margaret Kerry – The Real Tinker Bell
For most of us, the name Margaret Kerry would not ring a bell. But if we heard “Tinker Bell,” we...
Four Time Olympian Dr. Madeline Manning Mims
Imagine, you run the 800-meter race for the US team. You are, without question, the fastest woman...
Hall of Fame Jockey Pat Day
Soft hands and a strong faith, that is how one of his competitors described him. Pat Day has won...
WNBA Chaplain Fleceia Comeaux
WNBA Chaplain Fleceia Comeaux Fleceia blew out her knee as a junior in high school. Then she...
Secretariat – With Otto Thorwarth
Secretariat With Otto Thorwarth Have you ever noticed that God seldom shows us the end from the...
The Hurricane – Brian Jackson
The Hurricane - Brian Jackson Some say he’s superhuman, some call him the “Hurricane,” others say...
A Vision and a 3D Printer
A Vision and a 3D Printer We have all seen children with missing or deformed limbs. Perhaps they...
Scott Mendes – World Champion Bull Rider
I’m not sure if it’s the insane danger, the bone crushing crashes or the challenge of watching a...
It Defies Logic
It Defies Logic Like many, Brad Herman’s early life was not ideal. From the age of three, after...
Teach the Little Children
Teach the Little Children ...and the seed will bear fruit. In 1992, Darey and Karen Jolley made a...
Drug Lord to Evangelist
Extraordinary-Compelling-Miraculous “You’ll never be good enough, you’re a loser and always will...
Financial Wisdom & COVID-19
In addition to the loss of life, the Coronavirus has forced the shutdown of many businesses. This...
One Drop of Hope
In April of 2019, “the big one,” that’s what the doctors called it, nearly ended life on earth...
Surviving the Loss of Your Child
In March of 2008, after touching down from a long flight, this mom and dad received a sobering...
Helping Hands Change Lives
“I’m not Mormon, not Catholic and as far as I know my wife and I are not crazy.”...
The Fall Should Have Killed Him
In June of 2016 a 65-year-old man crashed into rocks and boulders as he tumbled 600...